Atascosa County Defense Attorney | Wilson County DUI Lawyer | Frio County

location1433 3rd St, Floresville, TX 78114


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What Is the Difference Between Murder and Manslaughter in Texas?

 Posted on December 29,2021 in Criminal Defense

TX defense lawyerMurder and manslaughter are both very serious felony charges that can lead to extended prison sentences. Manslaughter, however, is seen as slightly less serious than outright murder. While both are considered forms of homicide, capital murder, murder, and manslaughter are three distinct offenses in Texas. Trying to determine which charge applies to a given series of events that resulted in a death can be difficult, as many elements of murder and manslaughter overlap. Much of the distinction comes down to the defendant’s intent and state of mind.

If you are facing any homicide charge, your freedom and future depend on a strong legal defense. Securing aggressive legal counsel should be your first priority.

What Does Murder Mean in Texas?

In Texas, murder generally applies to situations where the defendant has knowingly and willingly caused the death of another person. Murder charges can also apply if the defendant intended to cause the victim serious bodily harm, or was in the course of committing a different felony when he killed someone as a result. So, murder does not necessarily mean actually intending to kill - a defendant who intended only to seriously hurt someone may be liable for murder if the victim instead dies.

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4 Concerns for Wilson County White-Collar Crime Defendants

 Posted on December 16,2021 in Criminal Defense

TX defense lawyerIf you have been accused of a white-collar crime, you are probably worried about much more than the criminal sentence you could be facing itself. You have probably worked hard to build your career, life, and reputation. Being convicted of a white-collar crime can threaten everything you have worked for over the years. It could also affect not just you, but also your family.

If you are facing white-collar criminal charges, it is important that you find a criminal defense lawyer who appreciates the far-reaching consequences you could face if convicted. A lot is at stake for people accused of white-collar crimes.

What Additional Concerns Might I Have in a White-Collar Crime Case?

People accused of white-collar crimes tend to have one thing in common - they are professionals. Many alleged embezzlers hold trusted positions at large corporations. Those accused of money laundering typically own a business. People who are in a position to commit white-collar crimes in the first place may have more to lose than those accused of street-level crimes like drug possession. If you have been accused of a white-collar crime, consider:

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Will My Spouse Have to Testify Against Me in Texas?

 Posted on December 09,2021 in Criminal Defense

TX defense lawyerYour spouse probably knows almost everything about you, from your deepest fears to your favorite song. Many married couples share nearly every aspect of their lives and have few or no secrets from each other. If you have been accused of a crime, odds are, your spouse knows something about that too. You may be worried about the potential impact of having your spouse testify against you, not just on your case but on your marriage as well.

Luckily, Texas law carves out a few exemptions to protect married couples from having to testify in proceedings against each other and limiting the scope of questioning if they do. A qualified attorney can help you better understand whether your spouse may have to testify, and if so, about what.

What Two Texas Rules Protect Spouses from Testifying Against Each Other?

In Texas, there are two distinct rules that protect married couples from having to incriminate each other. They are:

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What Exactly Does "Burglary" Mean in Texas?

 Posted on November 22,2021 in Criminal Defense

TX defense lawyerThe definition of a “burglary” can vary wildly between states. The general consensus is that burglary is a felony committed when a person breaks into a structure intending to commit another crime inside. Some states are very specific about what type of structure is covered under the burglary statute. Others are particular about what type of crime the offender must be planning to commit once inside. If you have been accused of committing burglary, you may have a lot of questions about why you have been charged with this crime. It is best to speak to a criminal defense attorney who can assess how the Texas burglary statute applies to your case and begin preparing your defense.

What Is the Legal Definition of Burglary in Texas?

In Texas, burglary means unlawfully entering or staying in a building with the intent to commit theft, assault, or any felony. Traditionally, people think of burglaries as being limited to home invasions for the purpose of stealing a family’s things. However, the legal definition of burglary in Texas is not nearly so limited. The building or structure targeted need not be a residential dwelling - retail stores, financial institutions, office buildings, or any other public or private building may count for the purposes of a burglary charge. Even a vehicle like an RV or camper that is designed for use as temporary accommodations.

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False Domestic Violence Accusations - Why They Happen and What to Do

 Posted on November 19,2021 in Criminal Defense

TX defense lawyerFamily violence accusations are serious. Even if it is charged as a misdemeanor assault family violence rather than a felony, the stigma associated can limit your future career, educational, and social opportunities. False accusations of intimate partner violence are extremely common, however. The reasons people make these kinds of allegations are numerous. Whatever happened, you are now facing a very serious charge - for something you did not do. If this is happening to you, you will need to get in touch with an aggressive criminal defense attorney soon to give you the best chances of clearing your name.

Why Do People Make False Family Violence Claims?

You may have been completely blindsided by your arrest. You know you did nothing wrong, but you are still facing a terrifying prosecution. There is no good reason for filing a false police report alleging an assault that never happened, but common reasons include:

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Are Prostitution Stings Entrapment?

 Posted on November 09,2021 in Criminal Defense

TX defense lawyerTexas boasts some of the nation’s harshest laws regarding prostitution. As of September 1, 2021, we became the first state to make the crime of purchasing sex from a prostitute a felony. As for prostitution, it can be charged as a felony or as a misdemeanor depending on the circumstances. Either way, a prostitution charge will have a serious impact on your life. Undercover stings where police pose as interested buyers (“johns”) are one of the most common ways people get arrested for prostitution in Texas.

Many people who are caught up in a prostitution sting, whether they are guilty or not, immediately think of entrapment as a possible defense. However, the defense of entrapment requires a very high bar to be met. If you were arrested during a prostitution sting operation, you will want a strong legal advocate to stand between you and the prosecutor. Texas sentencing can be notoriously harsh for sex crimes.

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Does Juvenile Crime Rise on Halloween?

 Posted on October 29,2021 in Juvenile Law

TX defense lawyerHalloween can be tough for teenagers - they are too old to trick-or-treat but too young to join the costumed crowd in the local bar. Every year, there is an uptick in juvenile crime around Halloween as teenagers celebrate the holiday in their own way. Most teen lawbreaking around the fall holiday involves minor crimes, like vandalism, but petty crime can progress into more serious criminal activity.

Unfortunately for parents, there is no worse Halloween night trick than getting a phone call saying their son or daughter is in jail. If your minor child gets arrested for any reason this Halloween season, getting them a lawyer should be your main priority - a skilled attorney can potentially help avoid a criminal record that could follow your teen for life.

What Crimes Do Juveniles Often Commit Around Halloween?

Teen mischief has been a Halloween tradition for a long time. However, some teens go too far and end up committing crimes. It does not help that many costumes include masks, which may lead teens to feel emboldened to break the law. Around Halloween, teens often get arrested for:

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What Are Some More Ways to Defend a Homicide Case?

 Posted on October 22,2021 in Criminal Defense

TX defense lawyerMurder is perhaps the most serious crime a person can be charged with in Texas. Sentencing can go all the way up to life in prison or even the death penalty. Anyone facing homicide charges needs an experienced and capable criminal defense lawyer to minimize your chances of facing these harsh penalties - whether you are guilty or not.

If you have been accused of murder, finding good representation should be your top priority. A defense attorney will look at all the facts and circumstances surrounding the crime and see if there are any applicable defenses, then decide on a defense strategy. In some cases, a murder charge can be reduced to a lesser crime.

What Is Manslaughter in Texas?

Manslaughter is still a serious crime, but it is not quite as serious as homicide. Rather than a first-degree felony, manslaughter is a second-degree felony and carries less severe penalties. Defense attorneys may sometimes fight to have a murder charge reduced to manslaughter in cases where the defendant caused another person’s death, but did so as a result of recklessness rather than intent to kill. In Texas, there are two types of manslaughter: voluntary and involuntary.

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What Are Some Ways to Defend Against a Homicide Charge?

 Posted on October 08,2021 in Criminal Defense

TX defense lawyerA murder charge in Texas is very serious indeed. Not only could a person convicted of certain types of homicide face life in prison, but they could be facing the death penalty. The state of Texas is notoriously harsh in murder sentencing. If you have been charged with any form of homicide in Texas, it is critical that you immediately contact an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney. You may have a defense available, but it will take the commitment of a skilled attorney to put forward your best defense.

An attorney will start by listening to your story and examining all available facts in your case to determine what defense strategy will give you the best chance of avoiding an overly harsh outcome. This multi-part article will touch on some strategies your lawyer may use to defend your murder case.

What Is Justifiable Homicide?

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When Can a Person Be Charged With Continuous Family Violence in Texas?

 Posted on September 23,2021 in Criminal Defense

Wilson County criminal defense lawyerThe term “continuous family violence” brings to mind the idea of ongoing abuse within a family—for example, a husband who routinely hits his wife or child. However, in Texas, continuous family violence just means that there were two or more allegations of family violence within a 12-month period. Because continuous family violence is a third-degree felony, as opposed to misdemeanor family violence, this charge needs to be taken much more seriously. Having a felony on your record can have a major negative impact on your life, so it is important to have an attorney who will defend you aggressively.

What Situations Can Lead to a Continuous Family Violence Charge?

The name of this offense can be misleading. The requisite two incidents of alleged family violence can occur on the same day. The state does not need to prove that family violence was an ongoing problem in the home. Here are some common ways the felony of continuous family violence can be charged:

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