Atascosa County Defense Attorney | Wilson County DUI Lawyer | Frio County

location1433 3rd St, Floresville, TX 78114


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Can I Be Charged with a Crime if I Shoot Someone Who is On My Property Illegally?

 Posted on February 10,2023 in Criminal Defense

wilson county criminal defense lawyerIt is well known that in Texas, the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms is a right that is passionately believed in and defended by many Texans, which is why many individuals own firearms. However, many citizens remain unclear regarding whether a citizen can lawfully discharge a firearm to protect their property from an outside threat. In Texas, the right to use force to defend property is limited and governed by the “castle doctrine.” The castle doctrine is a legal concept that says a person has the right to use deadly force to protect their home or property from an intruder. This means that if someone is illegally on your property and you believe they are there to cause harm, you may use force to protect yourself and your family.

However, there are essential considerations to bear in mind before you open fire on someone who is on your property illegally. Today, we are going to take a look at what some of those considerations are. If you have been charged with a crime for using deadly force on someone on your property illegally, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney who can ensure your rights remain protected and respected as you move through the legal process.

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Tips for Beating a Murder Charge in Frio County

 Posted on January 23,2023 in Criminal Defense

Atascosa County homicide defense lawyerMurder is, arguably, the most severe offense someone can be charged with within the entire United States. If convicted, offenders may spend the rest of their lives in prison or even be put to death. In addition, defendants in murder cases are often at somewhat of a disadvantage against the legal system, as those charged with murder are often considered guilty in the public opinion before they even stand trial. As a result, defending against a murder charge is no small task. 

If you have been charged with murder, understand the legal jeopardy you are currently in. To successfully beat murder charges, you must obtain masterful legal counsel to help create reasonable doubt in the jurors' minds. Without such legal representation, you may permanently lose your freedoms and possibly even your life. While defending against murder charges is not easy, it is not impossible either. This blog will address different defenses that, if applied appropriately, may be enough to acquit you, thereby giving you back your freedom. 

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What to Know About Cyberbullying and Online Harassment laws in Texas

 Posted on January 16,2023 in Juvenile Law

Texas criminal defense lawyerWe have heard it said many times: never post anything online that you would not be comfortable with your mom or dad reading. Unfortunately, many people, particularly young adults and teenagers forget that once you post something online, it is there to stay. Even if you delete a post, there is still a high chance that whatever you wrote was seen by at least a few people. It is important to remember that online interactions with others can carry severe consequences, both in your personal life and legally. 

Juveniles who engage in forms of online harassment or cyberbullying may quickly find themselves facing charges for things they have said online to others. Therefore, it is vital that if you or your underage child has been charged with online harassment or cyberbullying, strongly consider contacting a criminal defense attorney who will work to ensure your rights remain protected and that an outcome in your or your child’s favor can be pursued diligently. 

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What to Know About Marijuana in Texas 

 Posted on January 10,2023 in Criminal Defense

Atacosa County drug crime defense attorneyIt is without a doubt that feelings, beliefs, and policies towards marijuana are changing rapidly across the country. While many states are choosing to legalize the substance, the federal government still classifies it as a Schedule I drug and it remains, therefore, federally illegal. While it is true that many states are changing their tone regarding marijuana, one state that has yet to change its tone is Texas. In Texas, illegal drugs such as marijuana, are considered to be a controlled substance. As a result, in Texas, possessing marijuana is a crime, regardless of how small the amount. 

If you live in Texas and have been charged with a marijuana-related offense, please understand that Texas takes all marijuana-related offenses with the utmost seriousness. As a result, you would be wise to contact a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney to help ensure your rights remain protected and a positive outcome can be achieved in your case. 

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What to Know About Expunction in Texas 

 Posted on December 22,2022 in DWI

texas expungement lawyerWe have heard it since we were teenagers: One mistake can ruin your life. Indeed, being arrested, charged, or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor can leave you with a criminal record and have terrible consequences that can follow you for the rest of your life. However, depending on your offenses, you may be eligible for an expunction if you live in Texas and currently have a criminal record. Expunction is the permanent removal of a crime from your criminal record. In this blog, we will look at what expunction is and how to know if you are eligible.

If you are interested in learning whether your criminal record is eligible for expunction, contacting an experienced attorney who is familiar with expunction in Texas and has secured expunction for clients in the past can be an excellent first step towards erasing your criminal record once and for all.

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When Can a Juvenile Be Tried as an Adult in Texas? 

 Posted on December 14,2022 in Juvenile Law

Atascosa county juvenile criminal defense lawyerMost parents’ worst nightmare is to hear their child has been arrested. Many parents work tirelessly to ensure their child is raised correctly and follows the law. Unfortunately, in life, few things ever go according to plan. When a child is arrested, they are typically tried as a juvenile. However, a child may be tried as an adult in certain situations. 

Being tried in adult court means the child will be held to the same legal standard as an adult. The child could face severe criminal penalties. Generally, if a child is being tried as an adult, they allegedly committed an act so heinous that a juvenile court no longer protects the child. If your child has been arrested and charged as an adult, understand that they are in extreme legal jeopardy. Contact an experienced juvenile defense attorney who will ensure that your child’s rights remain protected and that they are afforded the best legal counsel possible to pursue the most favorable outcome possible in your child’s favor. 

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What To Do if You Have Been Charged with Sexual Assault in Texas

 Posted on December 01,2022 in Criminal Defense

Atascosa county criminal defense lawyerBeing charged with a crime can fill you with a cascade of emotions, including fear, anger, and frustration. This is especially true if you have been charged with a violent crime like sexual assault. A sexual assault charge is enormously serious, carrying stiff penalties including significant fines and prolonged prison sentences. Therefore, while it may be true that being charged with such a crime can cause you to feel strong emotions, you must operate with the utmost caution. 

As with many crimes, there is a certain protocol you should follow if facing severe criminal charges. You do not want to put yourself in a worse situation than you are already in. If you have been charged with a violent crime like sexual assault, do not hesitate to contact an attorney who will passionately protect your rights and work to pursue a positive outcome in your case. 

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What to Know About the Legality of Texting While Driving in Texas

 Posted on November 21,2022 in Criminal Defense

jourdanton criminal defense lawyerRegardless of if you have been driving for 10 years or 20 years, driving takes a lot of concentration. Unfortunately, as our society becomes more digitized and our cell phone rarely leaves our grasp, traffic violations involving cell phone use have become common.

If you live in Texas and have been charged with distracted driving, consult with an experienced attorney skillful in working in cases that involve distracted driving. 

Distracted Driving Laws in Texas 

Across the United States, 48 states, including Texas, have explicitly banned texting while driving. In Texas, texting and driving is a misdemeanor, which means a conviction will create a criminal record. You may also be subject to a fine of $25 to $99 if it is your first offense. A repeat offender can be fined up to $200. If you text while driving and cause an injury or death, that fine is increased to $4,000, including the possibility of jail time. 

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 Navigating Firearm Charges in Texas

 Posted on November 14,2022 in Criminal Defense

 Floresville criminal defense lawyerTexans tend to be very proud of their right to keep and bear arms, as is defined under the Constitution’s Second Amendment and Texas state law. Texas has some of the more forgiving laws in the United States regarding weapons possession and the practice of open-carry firearms, which is why it can be shocking when someone finds themselves charged with a weapons violation. Contrary to popular belief, you can still find yourself in legal hot water for possessing or using a firearm, even in Texas.

Anyone charged with a weapons violation in Texas must take the charge seriously. Weapon violations are serious offenses, and failing to take the situation seriously can subject an individual to unfavorable consequences. Therefore, if you have been charged with a weapons violation in Texas, it is a good idea to pursue legal guidance as soon as possible to pursue a favorable outcome. 

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What To Do If You Have Been Charged with Domestic Violence in Texas

 Posted on November 07,2022 in DWI

floresville criminal defense lawyerThe Texas Family Law Code categorizes family violence as an act committed by a family or household member that inflicts harm, assault, physical injury, or causes the person to fear impending harm. Criminal charges for domestic violence-related offenses can lead to jail time, steep fines, and permanent damage to your personal and professional reputation. 

If you were charged with committing acts of family violence, it is imperative to consider reaching out to a knowledgeable family violence attorney with experience in such cases. 

Family Violence in Texas

Regardless of whether you are facing misdemeanor or felony charges, accusations of family violence must be taken very seriously. Not only can a family violence conviction bring prison time and enormous fines, but it can also have a lasting impact on your ability to be employed, as well as negative consequences in child custody or divorce hearings. 

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